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Finding Your Spiritual Path

Writer's picture: 93stardustproject93stardustproject

Setting out on your spiritual path can seem like a very overwhelming and scary experience for some. Even if you are pumped and inspired…your bags are packed and you are charging out the door…you might be asking yourself where to begin. Having been on this path for a while now, here is what I have to offer for wisdom (wisdom hard earned…) that you can take with you as you go:

The only impossible journey is the one you never begin. – Tony Robbins

1# - Set your intention: Why are you doing this? Why now? What are you looking for? Knowing why you are setting out on this path is the first step. Some people are prompted to embark on this path by tragedy that strikes their lives or even the world around them, others want to discover a lost part of themselves, some people just simple want to feel a sense of peace in their lives that they haven’t been able to find yet, some want answers to complicated questions, and that’s just a few out of countless reasons. We all have different stories that have shaped our lives and we will all be on this path for our own very personal reasons. Spend time with yourself in a space of introspection to discover your reasons and to set your intentions going forward.

2# - Keep an open mind: You most likely (because it is human to do so and I am assuming that at least most reading this are in fact human) have some limited beliefs surrounding what spirituality is or isn’t either for yourself or others. Then again you might not, but most people do. Even if you think you don’t, keep an open mind to the fact that maybe you DO and that you are maybe wrong about some things. How can you learn and grown if you keep your mind and soul closed to new information and experiences? If you find yourself pushing an idea or concept away while you are on this journey…that is your que to look deeper in that direction even if it is only to learn about it. I am a HUGE believer that it is our responsibility, no one else’s, to fully educate ourselves in a non-subjective way. I stand firmly in the belief that remaining objective when learning it vital to self-growth and development of all kinds. Learning about a new ideas doesn’t mean you automatically adopt them. It means that you are educating yourself and learning from other’s experiences. If nothing else, it shows you what you don’t want to adopt as your own. And who knows…what you might have almost voided out of prejudgment might in fact be the very thing you set out to seek.

3# - Remember wellness: If you are not taking care of your physical and emotional self then you will be limited in your growth. I can personally say from experience, that this is vital. I have a really bad habit of being so focused on things outside of myself that I will forget to eat for an entire day (even as I am writing this I just realized I forgot to eat lunch…it is 3:35 in the afternoon). I will often be reminded that I have physical human needs only when I feel like passing out from lack of nourishment…or my husband will say something like “have you even eaten or showered at all today?”. However, I am not talking just about basic needs. There are needs like self-love, friendship, alone time, play and laughter, and time with our families that are just as vital to our wellness. Make sure you are taking care of your entire self.

4# - Meditation: Sit in silence. Meditation is as simple as that. Silence. That’s it. There is a point in the journey of meditation where you can find yourself sitting in silence among chaos because you will have found silence within. But if you have not reached this point in your meditation journey, just find a space that is as quiet as possible and sit. Move as little as possible as you sit. Watch your thoughts, let them roll without controlling them. See where they go. Bring to mind your intention which you set before and see what jumps to the front of your mind. Listen to that voice. it will be best heard in this space of silence.

5# - Spend time in nature: We are all one with nature. You can be living in the most urban city scape one can imagine…not even owning a plant to speak of…and you are STILL a part of nature. Biologically, scientifically, we are all one. Kayle and I adopted our site’s name from the very concept that we are all stardust. We, as is everything in the Universe and on Earth, originated from stardust. It directly connects us to the Universe and all that is around us…no matter where you live. If you are unable to escape into nature and or don’t have access to a “green” environment, then just close your eyes and roam through the forest…or better yet use your imagination to explore the universe. See where your imagination takes you. You will receive many insights from just this alone! Don’t overlook the details your intuition and imagination show while you roam. Everything you see and experience has meaning. However, if you ARE lucky enough to be able to go for a walk in the woods, or on the ocean, or even the park, then do so. Get out there and look at the details of the landscape that surrounds you. How does it affect you? What thoughts come to mind as you observe the ants building their colonies? How does watching the path of the butterfly make you feel? Take these thoughts and feelings and go deeper with them. It will lead you down a path of self-discovery.

6# - There is no normal: Your spirituality is unique to you. Even if you are part of a religious group where everyone follows the same rules of conduct, how you experience your spirituality won’t be the same as anyone else in that group. There is no right or wrong. There will CERTAINLY be those that will tell you different. Don’t believe them! This idea that there is a right or wrong will bring you nothing but stagnant growth (which I personally think is equal to or the same as emotional and spiritual death). On that note…when you do think you have found yourself on a solid path that fits you, know that others don’t need to be on the same path. Don’t assume their path is wrong because it is different from yours. This seems like basic common sense, but it is so easy for us all to judge. Again…this is human, but when you find yourself in this space remember: There is no normal or right and wrong way to any growth process.

7# - Love the entire journey: Depending on the deck of cards life has dealt you, there might be a point (or many points) on your journey where you find yourself in painful places. Setting out on this path will force many of us outside our comfort zone, which often means going deep….very deep….to places that you 100% would rather have not even admitted existed let alone hang out in. Don’t give up when and if you find yourself in this space. In fact, you are there for a reason. Robert Lee Frost said “the best way out is through”. It is one of my favorite things to tell myself when I hit a place in life that forces me to feel pain. You will be better for sitting in these places and sorting through your “stuff”. Love this part of the journey and love yourself enough to take it all in wholly.

8# - Remember that you are a spiritual being already: This is not something you become. We are born into this world with a vibrant spiritual soul even if we don’t want to admit it. It is a matter of reminding ourselves of this, of growing into our own best spiritual way of life, of learning, expanding, reaching a place of enlightenment, and finding out what it all means to you as the spiritual person that you always have been.

9# - Take your sweet time: I am a take action person. Winston Churchill (one my biggest heroes from history) said: “I never worry about action, but only inaction”. I love that quote and have it as one of my many mottos. However, sometimes we need to stop. Be still. I made my first step on this journey when I bought a tarot deck hoping it will help me see my future (a very naive and misguided purchase mind you…but that’s a blog post for another day). 10 years later here I am with you. My journey is far from over (to be truthful I don’t think it ends) and full of dead ends. It took me longer than I care to admit to accept this notion of not having a deadline…a timeline even. Of not having tasks that I mark as complete that tell me I have accomplished something. It isn’t a linear path…it is multidimensional and you will feel like you are going backwards more often than not sometimes. It is maddening! Maybe that’s just me though. You won’t see how far you have come till you look back. I am near unrecognizable to myself when I look back to 10 years ago. So take your time and let things happen organically. Know that you ARE moving forward even when you don’t FEEL like you are. BE PATIENT with yourself and others.

10# - Like minded friends: Surrounding yourself with even one person who is on the same quest as you will always help. You can totally play solo if you want (for some this might be the best way), but think of it in video game terms (ok, bear with me if you are not a gamer…please): All the companions that join the Hero’s party bring new perspectives to his or her story. They are there to support and teach the Hero so he or she can reach end game and as a better person. Even the Hero will play an important role in the stories of those companion’s lives. And remember: If Frodo didn’t have Sam then all of Middle Earth would have been swallowed up by Sauron. And it is a well-known fact that if it wasn’t for Hermione, Harry and Ron would have been dead at 11 years old. And if you don’t get any of these references I apologize. The point is this: find someone, even if it is just one person a million miles away and who speaks a different language (google translate is a beautiful friend), to share this journey with. The good news is, if you are reading this then you are have already accomplished this step! It is our goal here at 93% Stardust to provide what resources and wisdom we can. We are on our own journeys and learning new amazing things all the time, and have already learned some valuable things to share. We are also looking forward to learning things from everyone who joins up with us. This give and take cycle of companionship is a beautiful part of life and any journey we find ourselves on.

If you have anything to add or share please comment down below! Your experience could help others on their own path and that’s what this is all about. As always, be mindful and check your energy before commenting!

Love and Light


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