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The Difference Between Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism

Writer's picture: 93stardustproject93stardustproject

Updated: Aug 4, 2018

Hello all! And to newcomers, Merry Meet!

This will be the first post of many In this series. This series will encompass many aspects of witchy business, most of which are geared towards those who are new to the craft. I welcome all who are interested or would like to gain more knowledge about being a witch to read this, since being a witch is all about learning more about your craft but not perfecting it. (who’s perfect anyway?)

So lets learn the differences between Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism shall we?

A Wiccan is someone who practices both witchcraft and paganism. They follow the rule of three ( also referred to as the threefold law of return or the power of three.) Following the rule of three means that you believe that everything you say, do, or think will come back to you threefold.

Now, by saying that it will come back you you threefold, this does not mean that whatever you do will come back to you three times better or worse than whatever you put out into the universe, this means that whatever you put out into the universe will affect your mind, body, and spirit. Following this rule is a good way to keep your energy in check and make sure that whatever you are doing is with purpose because you know that it will come back to you. I want to make sure that I am perfectly clear about this, so if you have any questions about this or anything else in this article please leave a comment below! Wiccans believe that words and names have power and meaning (hence the rule of three) and they follow the moon phases. Wiccans also believe in multiple gods and goddesses. Not all witches are Wiccans, but all Wiccans are witches.

Witches are those who practice magick but do not follow it as a religion like Wiccans do. The main difference between witches and Wiccans is that witches can be of any religion. Witches can be christian, jewish, muslim, etc. Witches use spells and incantations, use herbalism and may even practice hoodoo.

Paganism is an umbrella term, in which Wiccans and Witches fall into. Pagans follow and worship nature and also believe and multiple gods and goddesses. Paganism, being an umbrella term, covers multiple spiritual and religious beliefs. Many Christians categorize anyone who does not believe in christianity as a pagan.

Now that we know the differences between Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism lets go over some common misconceptions about being a witch or practicing Wicca.

  1. Wicca is not a religion.

Yes, it absolutely is! In fact, in 1986 a court of appeals recognized Wicca as a legitimate religion.

2) Anyone who practices Wicca or witchcraft is EVIL!

So many Witches have actually started calling themselves Wiccans due to the negative connotation with the word witch. I mean, you’d think this would be over by now, but apparently people can’t deal. Lets get this straight, because I don’t want anyone feeling like what they believe in is evil. Wicca opposes the use of harmful or negative magick. If you do not classify yourself as a Wiccan, but as a witch and you decide to use harmful or negative magick, well dude, thats on you. Just keep in mind the rule of three, and if you don’t want to get what you’re dealing out in return then check yourself.

3) Wicca is an ancient religion.

Wicca is based on ancient beliefs, but wasn’t founded until the 1950’s by a dude named Gerald Gardiner. Good old Gerry.

4) Wiccans sacrifice animals.

I think I would rather fall off a cliff than cause a poor animal pain. Wiccans do NOT sacrifice animals. Wicca is nature based and Wiccans are encouraged to respect all living things. We may leave offerings to our deities which is usually, bread, fruit, flowers or wine.

5) Wiccans have a “Dark Bible”

HA! This is the funniest one yet. Wiccans do not have a dark bible. We have a book of shadows , but thats just a reference book. By no means do we follow a bible, please.

6) All witches are female.

Again, no. Witches can be male, female, non-binary trans, gender non-conforming, or anything else. Hell, I do not care if you are a mermaid, if you respect me and my craft, I will respect you and your craft.

7) Practicing witchcraft is expensive.

It is only as expensive as you make it. You are the most powerful tool in your craft.

8) Your ancestors have to be witches for you to be one.

Nope. It may help with the whole learning aspect of it, but you do not have to come from a long line of witches.

9) You must join a coven to be a witch.

No. You do not have to have anything to do with a coven to be a witch.

10) Witches worship Satan.

Satan is a christian concept. So no. We do not worship satan. Wiccans don’t believe in the christian satan. Satan has nothing to do with Wicca or Witchcraft.

11) Pentagrams are signs of evil.

The pentagram represents the 5 elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Spirit This is by no means evil.

12) You HAVE to cast spells naked.

I mean I know that some do. If that is something that you are not comfortable with, don’t do it. But, if it is something that you want to do, no one is holding you back! Cast on witches!

13) Last but not least, Witches are resentful or intolerant of christians.

Some witches also are christians. Wicca promotes being accepting of everyone. The world needs a little more tolerance these days. If you have had an experience of being lectured because being yourself is wrong, I am sorry. There is nothing wrong with you. Be proud. Be you.

If you have any questions, or comments, drop them below! Remember to check your energy before posting!

Blessed be!


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