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Different types of witchcraft

Updated: Dec 13, 2018

Hello All!

Now that we know the differences between Paganism, wicca, and witchcraft, lets go over some of the different types of witchcraft.

An eclectic witch is someone who picks and chooses from different types of magick styles. Eclectic witches are typically solitary witches. The term “Eclectic” means different things to different witches. However, being an eclectic witch is pretty much an umbrella term to fit the idea of witchcraft changing over time.

A hedge witch is someone who pulls from witchcraft and shamanism. Hedge witches and green witches are usually terms that some people like to use interchangeably. These are not interchangeable and are two completely separate types of witchcraft. While the two do have some similarities they are not the same. The hedge symbolizes the veil where many hedge witches spend the majority of their time. One one side of the veil. For newcomers, the veil is the thin fabric that separates our world and the paranormal world. (typically the veil is thinnest on Samhain and many spirits are able to pop over for a visit. I will go more in depth in my post about the holidays!) Experienced hedge witches can seek out where the veil is thinnest and use the veil effectively.

A green witch is someone who uses natural materials and energies. Typically they are skilled herbalists and live for their garden. Most green witches practice an eco friendly lifestyle.

A kitchen witch often are very good chefs and work spells into recipes. They also work a bit of magick around their home. Typically, they will work spells into cleansing their home, but may enchant certain things around their home to keep guests on their toes! If you have an illness, they have a cure. If you need to talk, they will be there with the perfect cup of tea.

Secular witches do not work with deities. They, however, may believe in a universal energy (think about star wars. May the force be with you.) Their practice may not be religious, but more for enlightenment.

Solitary witches practice alone or maybe with a few others that they trust deeply, but they mostly practice alone. Solitaries rely mostly on books and websites to learn more about their craft.

Traditional witches use folk magic or a practice based on the practices in Europe and the colonies from the 1500’s to the 1800’s

These are not the only types of witchcraft, but they are the most popular. Other types of witchcraft are:

Urban witchcraft

Sea witchcraft

Faery witchcraft

And fire witchcraft

Just to name a few.

You do not have to fall into any of these categories to be a witch.

As always, if you have any questions or comments drop them below or you can reach out to us via email at Be mindful and check your energy before commenting!

Blessed be!


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