As our fool journeys forth he finds himself in the most beautiful of landscapes. Drawn out from themselves they set down their pack and walks across a stream. Butterflies flutter, birds call, flowers that are simple but vividly colored bloom around him. The mountains in the just ahead loom over as a protector would. A figure of a woman catches their eye - she wonders just on the edge of forest hugging the feet of the mountain. Gaia, the mother of all nature herself. They say thank you to her in his thoughts....and heart. Knowing, she nods and walks further in to the tress vanishing like mist.

The Empress is the embodiment of the feminine - receptive, warm, and living giving - like a summer garden is lush, ripe, and wild. When you get the empress the message is loud and clear that your soul needs to create something, get out into nature, notice the world around that has been crafted. Detach from you mind, your thoughts, lists and tasks. Take your shoes off and walk in the garden of creation.