As the fool walks in the night, after his encounter with the mage, they are riddled with questions. The fool soon comes to find a priestess sitting in the moon. Our fool approaches with caution, the mystery of her presence filling him with awe. In her the fool knows they will find answers to what they wish to asks. Standing before the priestess, the fool reaches out to touch her hand. Her eyes, glowing with moon, slowly opens. The fool matches her gaze for only moment before she fades away into the night, but that one moment was enough to gain the answers the fool sought.

The high priestess if the "other half" of the mage. The mage is the animus and the priestess the anima of one whole. The priestess tells of that our own intuition is the only guiding light we need in the mystery of life. She represents the in-between, the tension between polarities, the ever dynamic changes and tides within ourselves. She is the veil. When pulled in a reading the priestess is telling you to reach out and connect to your intuition. To use that intuition to look at the mystery before you that is birthing the eager questions in your mind. The answers are within.