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Setting Intentions with the Moon

Writer's picture: 93stardustproject93stardustproject

Humans have had a relationship with the moon for as long as we have been able to watch the stars and ponder meaning. This often gets lost in today's society. It seems like "hog wash" that the moon can affect us, the powerful human, the same way it can control the oceans. The idea that on a full moon people are "crazy" and that you can blame all your mishaps on the moon has no merit in the scientific mind. There is some value in this. I also don't think blaming things on the moon is healthy. Your mood, your feelings, are your own and you can control them no matter where the source is coming from. I think putting external blame on such things is a problem. However, I personally believe the moon does hold some power over us, and we can choose to harness it in whatever way we choose.

One of my favorite ways to harness the power of the moon is through intentions. Even if you don't believe that the moon has sway over our mind and bodies, this is a wonderful way to connect our self to the flow of nature and the universe. I love a new fresh start to things. New projects, new months, new years, new life plans, you name it. So I naturally am drawn to the new moon phase. I love sitting alone on the night of the new moon and reflecting on where I am right now and what I would like to work towards. Often it is as simple a greater sense of peace in my life, or more compassion. I find it comforting to move through the phases. It is almost like being supported by the love and compassion of a mother or friend. In this post I will walk you through the 8 phases of the moon and how they can help you achieve anything you would like.

New Moon

The new moon is time to reflect ad withdraw. We all have obligations so I am not saying you need to all off the face of the Earth for a day (although I don't think that sounds like a bad idea), but it is helpful to take as much time as you can afford at this time to be by yourself. Journal or just write a page of thoughts and feelings if journaling isn't your thing. Ask yourself questions like "how do I feel about my life as it is" "what would i like to change that I have control over?" "what are some goals I want to work towards?". Ask these questions out of love, not displeasure for yourself or your life. Do you want more peace? Are you unhappy with your job? Do you need more skill development in your life? Do you want to make more time for bubble baths? Maybe you want to start a book. Be very truthful and blunt...uncensored with your questions and answers. Love yourself through all this.

Waxing Crescent

There is only a sliver of the moon to be seen now as it starts its path to full illumination. This is a time for setting your intention. Take what stood out to you the most during your reflection and set an intention. for example: If you need more bubble baths in your life, then set your intention to make time for them: "I choose to allow myself the time to feel peaceful and relax in a luxurious bath". This may more may not take some planning to make happen depending on your life circumstance, but if it does set out a plan (schedule this time if you need and let the people you live with know that you need this time for yourself). If you have concluded that you would like a new job, your intention might look something like this "I choose to work in a career that reflects my passions and who I truly am". Once you have your intention set in a positive self love frame, don't waste time before drafting a plan. Depending on what you are working this will be simple or complex. What is important is that you know how you will be living out your intention. Sometimes (if we have set intentions with the moon before) we can carry over last moon's intentions and goals. Not everything can be done in one moon cycle! That would be all too easy!

First Quarter

The moon is at half illumination, getting closer and an closer to its full glory every night. This is a time for action. We are taking our intentions and well laid plans and acting on them. To keep with the examples above, we are buying our favorite bubble bath and getting in the tub after locking the door. We are job searching or applying for classes that will further our careers. We are moving actively towards our intention and living it. It isn't just a wish or hope. It is being made tangible through our action.

Waxing Gibbous

The time is near for the moon, the time when it is in full illumination for us all to admire. During this time we should look at our actions and see if they are working or not. Are they helping or hindering us? Do we need to change up what we are doing? Maybe refine our path? Take a moment to pause the action and evaluate that action. If all seems to be going as it should and you feel it is in alignment to your values then keep going. If not then make those changes and move on full speed ahead!

Full Moon

Ah, the harvest! At this point you may or may not have reached your goal or lived out your full intention. Your path, circumstances, things out of your control may have slowed you down. Maybe your goal to find a new job or career is going to take a while, maybe your pluming broke and you were left without a tub during this time, or maybe you were sick for a week. Then again maybe you did make some great strides forward! Often we feel like we haven't when we have, so when you look at what you have done so far, when you look at your harvest, be sure to look at it with love and acknowledge what you have done no matter how small! Celebrate yourself during the full moon and feel your full illumination!

Wanning Gibbous

The moon is slowly starting to lessen its illumination. As does the moon so should we. We do this by giving of our harvest. What have you gained that you can pass along? What joy do you have now that you didn't before? Spread that feeling. Maybe you are filled with so much enthusiasm that you start a blog about living a life of love, or maybe you give some wisdom to a friend or co worker. This is a time to be grateful and give. It is like the Thanksgiving of the moon cycle!

Last Quarter

We find the moon at half illumination again, but this time heading towards the new moon not the full moon. This is a time for letting go. Has it been a long few weeks for you? Heck....even long few months? Do you feel yourself holding on to things that are not serving you? Take some time to look at what you are needlessly holding on to. Identify it and examine it. Then let it go through meditation or ritual. Whatever way feels right to you.

Wanning Crescent

Our moon is now at the lowest illumination period before it goes into it's own time of reflection and newness. As the moon surrenders to the forces of the universe so should we. Find yourself resting now. Allow yourself to take a break from as many tasks as possible. Take a spiritual vacation and prepare for the time of self reflection that is coming with the new moon.

I hope you find as much satisfaction in this process as I have found. Remember to move with the flow that you find most natural in the moon. And don't stress out if you find yourself in a period of reflection when you should be taking action. When I first learned of this process I felt like I had to "stay with the programming of the moon" or I wasn't doing it right. I learned to let that self limiting thought go, which didn't happened not during the last quarter moon,but doing a new moon when I was thinking this was the most pointless thing I could be doing right now. Let things happen naturally while being aware of the moon phases. The moon is a nurturing friend who holds our intentions gently in her embrace. Lets follow her example and hold yourself in that same loving embrace.

Love and Light


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