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Writer's picture: 93stardustproject93stardustproject

Hello all!

In this post I will be going over the holidays and ways to celebrate them! Who doesn’t like celebrating anyway?

We are going to start with the witches new year (and my personal favorite holiday) Samhain. Looks difficult to pronounce right? Well it isn’t! Samhain is pronounced sow-en (sow like cow) Also known as Halloween or all hallows eve. Celebrated on October 31st this is when the veil is thinnest. During Samhain we celebrate those who are no longer on this plane. Because the veil is so thin on this day they can even pop on over for a cup of tea! While they may not stop by for tea, they are able to move more easily between the plains. You can celebrate with a bonfire or a dumb supper, or both! ( For those who don’t know what a dumb supper is, it is held to honor the dead. During the dumb supper no one may speak, and candles may be your only source of light.)

Yule marks the winter solstice. This is the shortest day of the year, usually celebrated around December 21. This marks the turning point when days grow longer bringing renewal and hope. You can celebrate by having a feast and exchanging gifts!

Imbolc, Brigid’s day or Candlemas honors the Celtic goddess Brigid. She is the goddess of healing, smithcraft and poetry. Imbolc is usually celebrated between January 31 and February 2, however, some witches celebrate around February 5th. February 5th marks the midpoint between Yule and Ostara. You can celebrate Imbolc by spring cleaning your home! You can also relax by taking a cleansing bath!

Ostara, the spring equinox, typically celebrated around March21st. This holiday marks the days getting warmer and longer! On Ostara you can plant seeds to celebrate new growth! If you live in areas that will most likely still have snow on the ground (like us) you can plant them in biodegradable pots and set them in the window!

Beltane marks the midpoint between the spring equinox and the summer solstice! Typically celebrated on May 1st, this holiday honors Fertility, abundance, and the union of male and female energies. You can celebrate Beltane by dancing or making a faerie offering!

Litha marks the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Typically celebrated on June 21st this holiday celebrates abundance and when the Earth puts forth its bounty. You can celebrate Litha with a bonfire, dancing, or celebrating family.

Lammas marks the halfway point between Litha and Mabon. Celebrated on August 1st, marking the first of the harvest festivals. You can celebrate Mabon by holding a gratitude ritual and setting up a Mabon altar.

For those looking for other ways to celebrate the holidays, I suggest checking out Pinterest!

As always, check your energy before commenting and posting!



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