Hello all!
Now that you have your supplies and Book of Shadows, I will go over some basics of circle casting and why it is important, writing your own spells, and the best moon phases for spells!
First things first, (I’m the realest… but lets be real here) Circle casting! This is very important for protection. The circle will help you safely perform your spell or ritual without being interrupted by negative forces. During spell casting and rituals, you are pretty vulnerable, so this is very important for protection. Despite the name, you do not actually have to draw out a circle with salt or anything. You could use crystals that correspond with the cardinal points. You could even make a circle with string. When you are done with your magickal workings, PLEASE make sure that you close the circle. Closing the circle is just as important as casting the circle. When you cast a circle you are making the veil thinner and if you leave the circle open spirits could make their way over to our side and reek havoc. Closing the circle makes sure this does not happen.
When you begin casting your circle, you are going to conjure the energy around you. You will want to stand in your circle, relax and imagine that you have a direct connection to your higher self and to the divine. As you are envisioning this you will want to say something along the lines of “I ask that the gods and goddesses bless this circle so that I may be free and protected within this space. So mote it be.” (it doesn’t have to be this exact wording, but you get the idea) After casting your circle, you are ready to work some magick!
Writing spells can seem daunting at first, but with everything it will come with time. I promise that if you keep writing spells, you will get better at it. Your spells do not have to rhyme. So as your reading this you’re probably thinking to yourself “ Well, where the hell do I begin?” Here are some steps for writing spells;
Determine your intent
Phrase as it is presently true. (this can get tricky. The best example is if you are writing a weight loss spell and you say ‘ I am ten pounds lighter’ you might get food poisoning which in turn causes you to lose ten pounds. You may have lost the weight but as soon as you are better you may gain it back. And thats not a whole lot of fun)
Let the words flow through your fingers ( you can practice this by automatic writing which will be addressed in a later post.)
After you performed your spell you may notice that it didn’t work. That is ok. You being a magickal being has nothing to do with your spell success rate. Take a deep breath and take a look at what happened during your spell.
Did you make your intention unclear? Go back and edit your spell if you need to. But when you do make sure that your intention is crystal clear.
Were you not concentrated on what you were doing? This happens to me a lot because of Wednesday. She has to be in everything that I’m doing so if I’m working a spell I actually have to lock her out to concentrate. But when you are working magick, you do need to be completely focused. Rid your space of any distractions (this includes phones.) I like to put on some flute music or my spa radio playlist on pandora it helps me focus and bring another element to the magick! If you are choosing to use supplies and tools, have you used an unsuitable alternative? Was your spell asking for a black candle and all you had was a black flashlight? When you use supplies and your alternatives aren’t suitable, you may have trouble with your spell not working. This would be like making chocolate chip cookies without the sugar and the chocolate chips. Were you asking for too much in your spell? Edit your spell and make sure you aren’t asking for something too crazy (like losing 50 pounds in a week. Thats just ridiculous and dangerous.) so make sure you aren’t being too greedy.
The best and most powerful moon phase to perform spells is the full moon, followed by the new moon. Waxing moons are good for spells for gain. Waning moons are perfect for spells to send away or decrease things.

Remember that you are your best tool and that your intentions will affect the outcome.
As always, if you have any questions or comments you can drop them below or send an email.
Remember to check your energy before commenting!
Blessed be!